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October 27, 2023
Had A List For Today from Quilting My Way

Last night I wrote myself a list to make sure I tried to get something done today. 

1. Do certificates

2. Cut backing for Connie

3. Cut backing and batting for 3 quilts

4. Work on getting Smiley's stuff ready.

5. Get the backing washed

6. Send photo of color catchers to Bob

7. Look for fabric for mom

8. Get to work on finishing the quilt top

9. Put labels on 7 quilts

Now that list was on the counter. I had to go walking first.  Ron and I walked for the last time before he leaves for ...

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October 13, 2023
Crashed Today from Quilting My Way

 This morning I couldn't get my butt up. I finally got up around 9:30 am, know I needed to go walking around 11. Ron called to see if we were still one. Told him we were. It wasn't raining like it was all week. So, we took our walk. Halfway through the walk Patrick came home. I finished my walk to find Patrick in his chair not so happy. Said he had a bad night sleep, and it went into the golf game. Plus he hasn't been feeling well the last few days. He decided to ...

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October 12, 2023
Time Was Spent In Olympia Today from Quilting My Way

 This morning we were up early and on the way to Olympia. Since our doctors are up there, that were we go. Of course, today was my "physical" and we all know what that means. At least us women do! I was told if all goes well, I won't have to have the "Paps" done again. Like a graduation! I liked that idea. Fingers crossed I will graduate!

We then went to get meds for my Grand doggie! After that we had one more stop. I was told to come back in 30 mins, so Patrick took me to ...

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October 11, 2023
What A Day! Making Up For Yesterday! from Quilting My Way

 This morning I was enjoying sleeping in. Patrick did to. I finally got up after he's shower. Then I went down my list of what I needed to do. Donna was coming over at 11 am to drop off scraps of material. I got a call about 10:30 am saying she couldn't make it at 11 but could make it after I get back from my running around. 

I got a text from Colleen telling me she finished the quilt top and could she come over. I told her I would be home around 3 pm and ...

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July 18, 2023
Embroidery & Quilting! from Quilting My Way

 Today was Brazilian Embroidery day. I worked on my Ruth's Farwell. I'm now finished with it. I just need to decide what to do with it after it's washed. 

I need to block it when I wash it. I love the colors but have no idea what to do with it now. lol 

I then worked on my cross stitch pieces that Cindy gave me. Mom came as well, so there was 4 of us. Cindy invited her to join us when I get back, to go out for lunch. Should be interesting. Berry Fields was her ...

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July 17, 2023
Another HOT Day! - But A Beading Day! from Quilting My Way

 Today I did my walking and then noticed the blueberries needed to be picked. I couldn't believe how many blueberries I was able to pick today. I had to take an hour out of my day to pick. Patrick was a sweetheart and took care of the kitty litter. I was going to work on laundry today, but that didn't get far at all. I had to cut a backing and get it washed. 

Then I sat down to work on my beading. I should have known better! I completely forgot I had laundry going. I was listening ...

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July 10, 2023
Spending The Day Quilting Again from Quilting My Way

This morning I was up and ready to go. I knew Debbie was coming over and I wanted to get my exercises done. I finished after she came. lol

Debbie came over with a really pretty panel. We talked about what she could do for the panel. Patrick put his ideas in on it as well. I have him helping me with mine as well. She stayed a little bit. Sent her home with ideas and some fabric to go with the panel. 

After she left, I came up and cleaned up a little bit. I needed to get the ...

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July 9, 2023
Spending The Day Quilting from Quilting My Way

This morning I slept till 10 am!! I couldn't believe it. I woke at 6 am and put my blinders on and went back to sleep. lol 

When I finally got moving, I had to go outside and pick blueberries. I must have been out there 2 hours picking!

 Got more blueberries than I expected. I filled the top bowl and had to come back and get the bowl on the right side. (This is how I clean them). 

I put the berries on the counter and went downstairs to work on my quilt. I spend the afternoon sewing ...

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July 6, 2023
It's Another Day! from Quilting My Way

Today I was up after Patrick went golfing. I played games for a little bit before getting moving. I had a call from Diane (from Spokane) that is QOV related. I haven't chatted with her in over 2 years now. We chatted a good 45 mins! She's a blast. We talked about what is going on and she was asking if we still needed quilts. I told her we are doing pretty good right now. I told her we have 59 requests and about 30 quilts ready to present. We are still working on it. 

Patrick arrived while ...

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July 3, 2023
Trip To Olympia & Then Quilting from Quilting My Way

Today we headed to Olympia for Patrick's blood tests. Then in a week or so, he does the MRI and CAT scans. Fingers crossed is cancer is shrinking. Time will tell. 

We stopped at Costco. Picked up a few things. We were surprised we didn't spend as much as we thought we would. Had lunch and then came home. 

I headed downstairs to work on the quilt top. It's not laying flat so it's going to be a mess for Connie. 

I added the light color border to the outside. It's now 64 x 74 ...

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July 2, 2023
Not My Day For Quilting! from Quilting My Way

 This morning I was up early. Sun was coming in the window. Decided to get up. Sophie was meowing like crazy when I got up. Poor Patrick didn't get to sleep in since she woke him up! lol 

I got laundry going. Then went downstairs to work on my quilt top.

I added the borders, and the center blocks are way off. I had to warn Connie this will be a pain. I have one more border to add and then it's done. I couldn't get it to lay right no matter what I did. I had ...

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June 26, 2023
Meetings & Quilting from Quilting My Way

 This morning I was in the mood to try an easy quilt pattern. I went downstairs and started working on it. Putting a strip on 2 sides of my 5" squares. Then I asked Patrick to call me around 12:45 pm so that I could attend a BE meeting. I had some blocks done and brought them up to Patrick to design the quilt. 

While he was working on the lay out of the quilt, I worked on the border of the star quilt we received. 

When I folded it in half, I found this issue. So I had ...

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June 20, 2023
Meeting Day - from Quilting My Way

 This morning I went to Connie's to drop off 2 quilt tops. I also picked up 2 finished quilts. My next stop was off to the grange. 

Sandy and Cindy were there before me. I took some things to work on, but then I didn't work on anything. We just chatted for about 2 hours. The only one that worked on anything was Cindy. She was finishing a few things that she started a long time ago. She's been working on UFO's. Wish I could say the same. lol

Afterwards I headed to moms to drop ...

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April 8, 2023
Teaching Children from Wedding Dress Blue

Some of you know that my school offers children a learning experience known as Intensives. The week before Christmas and the last week of school in the Spring, students don’t attend regular classes. (Honestly, what really gets done in classes at that time?) Rather, each student selects from a menu of classes and attends that one course for the entire week. Offerings include theater, music, rock climbing, engineering, local history, and…sewing!

While on Spring Break this past week, I prepped samples for the Spring Sewing Intensive. SEW much fun!

There are still a lot of details to work ...

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February 9, 2023
Working On Preparations For Our QOV Group from Quilting My Way

 This morning Patrick headed off to golfing. I slept in. Then I had to work on getting stuff done for tomorrow. I started with noticing we were on our new program for QOV. Went in to see what we had. Also checked to see who was getting the quilts tomorrow. Found the group tomorrow were down the list a ways. So, I called Val and Carol to let them know we need to work on the oldest requests first. If they are WWII or Korean War vets then they will go first. Otherwise, it's top of the list to ...

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November 4, 2022
Stashbusters Check In from From My Carolina Home

Back to Stashbusters, I hope you have some Autumn Jubilee finishes to add to your totals! Time to tally up the last two months of fabric in and out, and see where we stand. If you need to remember where you left off, see the Stashbusters September post comments.

I have the two finishes for Autumn Jubilee. First, for the Quilt Along, the table topper busted 3 yards. The Sew Along was a small project. I am counting it as 1/4 yard for the top, backing and binding. The wool projects don’t count. One more time, here is ...

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July 8, 2022
Dropped Off Quilts - Finished Another Top from Quilting My Way

 This morning we were heading to Costco for a few things we needed. I let Sherry know and she met us up there to pick up the 5 quilts that Connie did for them. I didn't want the other person who offered to take them up there. We had lunch up there and then came home. 

After we got home and put everything away. I needed to get a few things done before going downstairs to see about getting that quilt top done. 

As I was working on this, I found that 2 of the blocks that were to ...

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June 23, 2022
Decided To Finish A QOV Top from Quilting My Way

Today I was really not in the mood to do much. Till I MADE myself go downstairs and see what I could do. I figured IF I got moving with the quilt top, I'd get it finished today. So, I started........and AGAIN made a math error!! I was always good at math, but for some reason quilts are not where I'm good at math. I thought I had the top of the panel done. Yeah, nope! I ended up taking it out and trying again, this time rethinking it and using the calculator. Better chance of getting ...

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May 22, 2022
Getting Behind from Quilting My Way

This is yesterday's post. For some reason I completely forgot to do my blog. Go figure- I do it enough!

The day started out with just relaxing and playing games for a little bit. Then I decided to work on my beading while Patrick went outside to work in the yard. It turned out to be a beautiful day. I didn't have the door open to enjoy the cool air, but I did enjoy sitting at the table enjoying the view.. 

 I was able to get 8 rows done before it was time to go out to eat ...

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May 21, 2022
Needed Placemats! from Quilting My Way

Today I knew Val was coming over, so I went downstairs and looked at my stack of fat-quarters. I decided to make placemats to make up for the 2 we had to get rid of. They somehow got cut and had a big hole in them. So, I decided on greens. I have plenty and not doing much with my fabrics right now. 

I had decided not to go to moms today. Really not ready to be in a crowd, let alone applique today. I do have more quilts that need the bindings stitched down, but that can wait. 

I ...

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